The Devil is in the Details: Scope of Work Goes Further Than Any Long-Form Contract
Contractual Schedule Benchmarks are a Double-Edged Sword
Cash Flow Crunches: How to effectively address disputes and claim issues efficiently and amicably
How to not bet the farm on this next project: different options for project structuring and risk man
Loose Promises Can Come Full Circle: Late-filed liens could be enforceable, if the facts are right
Performance Based Incentives Could Survive Termination: LTIPS, vested or unvested, can be a substant
When the Delay Really Isn’t the Contractor’s Fault: Someone has to pay and a “time is of the essence
Horse-Trading Employees: One Company’s Liability for the Operations of Another Company and Unexpecte
Termination of a Supervisor for Out of Control Subordinates: Think you have cause? Think again.
Sureties, Subcontractors and Secured Creditors - Competing Rights Under the Builders’ Lien Act and B