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 Construction Claims & Liens


Claims Assessments: An initial assessment of the strength of a claim or claim defence based on a cursory review of certain key documents will assist in making an informed business decision on whether a claim may, practically, be worth continuing to pursue or defend.  Sandquist Law will work with its client to provide an estimated quantification of the claim and exposure (on either an initial assessment basis or a comprehensive systematic review), as well as the drafting or consultation on the drafting of a claim or defence of a claim to assist in advancing its client’s position and identifying its client’s strengths and weaknesses.


Liens and Formal Dispute Resolution Sandquist Law can assist with filing or defending liens and represent its clients in the formal dispute resolution process (often the Courts or Arbitration).  Sandquist Law will often be able to provide very cost-effective, fixed pricing for each stage of the formal dispute.


Law Firm Consultation: Sandquist Law can provide additional resources at a low cost to external law firms, providing a benefit from its unique industry experience and by adding value to both the third party client and the law firm.

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